Sunday, 25 October 2015

How to fix a quick Breakfast 'Sandwich'

Tomorrow is Monday and you all will be going to work. Like nutritionist will say, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so a quick fix breakfast will come in handy.

Sandwich could be toasted using a sandwich toaster or eating without being toasted.


 2 loaves of Sliced Bread
1 tablespoon of Butter or Mayonnaise
Handful of Lettuce
Handful of cabbage
1 canned Sardine ( optional) or sliced fresh Tomatoes

Mix butter or mayonnaise with sardine or sliced tomatoes. Place 1 loaf of bread fill with butter mixture, layer with lettuce and cabbage. Cover with the 2nd loaf of bread, trim off the brown edges with a bread knife, then slice bread into two in a slanted form.

Enjoy with a cup of coffee or any beverage of your choice.

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