Wednesday, 28 October 2015

How to loose Body Fat and keep your HIPS

Weight loose can be a very frustrating and emotional journey, there are times you see the result very quickly, but before you say 'jack' it seems you have added even more weight than you have shed.
Good news there are ways to loose that weight and keep the shape of your new body, in no time you will Rock that beautiful owanbe aso ebi.

1. Change your mind set
The first thing to do is to have a positive mind set. Believe you are doing this for me, myself & I. You loose weight for health and physical reasons not because someone said you should.

2. Portion Control
Minimise your food. Download apps that help you calculate the calories your food contains. It helps reduce the size of your tummy. Any food is good food, once you can rationalise the portion you eat.

3. Drink lots of H2O
Water helps in cleansing your body of unwanted toxins, and also helps digest your food, thereby leading to a more flatter tummy.

4 Fruits
Fruits help digest your food easily, and citrus fruits help cleanse your colon. Good digestion equals flatter tummy.

5. Herbal Tea
Drinking green tea, freshly brewed lime tea, Garcinia Cambodia tea etc first thing in the morning helps cleanse your colon and also increases your metabolism all through the day

6. Exercise
Little exercise, like standing when watching your favorite Telemundo soap, or while browsing through the Internet, , if you are sitted while reading this you can stand and pace around and also squatting when gisting with friends.

Try this few tips and in less than 2 weeks you will be begin to drop those extra pounds and endeavour to make it a life style.

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