Sunday, 8 November 2015

How To Make Amala

Amala is a finely, well Grinded Yam Flour or Plantain Flour or a mixture of both. It is a Yoruba Dish that is in recent times eaten all over Nigeria. The plantain flour 'Amala' is good for people who love morsel food but have digestive issues, diabetes and people who are on a weight loss program.

Yam Flour

1. Pour water in a pot and put on fire.
2. When the water starts boiling, pour some of the flour in it, and stir as you add the yam flour with the stirring stick.
3. If the amala is soft, add a little more flour and continue stiring.
4. After stiring for some timke put the amala off the fire and continue stiring until it is smooth then pour some hot water and put back on fire so as to make it cook properly.
5. When the little water in the pot is boiling,take the pot off the fire and start to stir.
6. Stir well until it is very smooth then it is ready ro be served.
It is best eaten with Ewedu and Soup, Egusi (melon soup),Gbegiri (beans soup) and Efo (vegetable soup).

Enjoy this delicious, light Yoruba Delicacy.

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