Sunday, 8 November 2015

How To Make Ewedu Soup

3 cups of fresh ewedu leaves (de-veined and finely chopped)
2 cups of water
Pinch Sized Potash
1 Tablespoon Grinded Melon
1 teaspoon locust beans (Optional)
1 cube magi
Salt to taste

Place a medium size pot on high heat, add in the water and potash, bring to a rolling boil.
Reduce the heat to medium; add in the fresh ewedu leaves. And the Melon, simmer for 5-10 minutes or until the leaves are very tender use the broom pictured above' to mash it.
Add in the locust beans, magi and salt. Stir. Taste and adjust for seasoning
Simmer for another minute.
Your ewedu is ready to serve.

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